Project overview

The Connecting Generations (CG) Centre aims to increase our understanding of the connections and inequalities between and within generations so that policy measures and resources can be efficiently and fairly allocated.


Lead researchers

Professor Jane Falkingham

VP Engagement and International
Connect with Jane
Other researchers

Professor Peter Smith

Professor in Social Statistics
Connect with Peter

Professor Ann Berrington

Professor-Demography&Social Statistics
Connect with Ann

Professor Jackie Wahba

Professor of Economics
Connect with Jackie

Professor Maria Evandrou FAcSS


Research interests

  • ESRC: Centre for Population Change (CPC):?I am Co-Director of ESRC Centre for Population Change. My collaborative work focuses on a) Increasing longevity and the changing life course, and b) Understanding intergenerational relations & exchange. For more information, please visit the?CPC website.
  • ESRC CPC - Connecting Generations:?I am also Co-Director of the ESRC CPC-Connecting Generations research programme. The research will investigate areas such as changing intergenerational relationships; intergenerational flows of support in later life; and work-life balance, employment and caring responsibilities in mid-life. More information on the Connecting Generations research programme?here.
Connect with Maria

Professor Jakub Bijak

Professor of Statistical Demography
Connect with Jakub

Professor Erengul Dodd

Professor of Actuarial Math & Statistics
Connect with Erengul

Mrs Teresa McGowan

Research Manager
Connect with Teresa

Professor Corrado Giulietti PhD

Head of School

Research interests

  • Labour Economics
  • Development Economics
Connect with Corrado

Professor Athina Vlachantoni

Professor of Gerontology & Social Policy

Research interests

  • Informal care provision and receipt
  • Unmet need for social care
  • Pension protection
Connect with Athina

Dr Jason Hilton

Associate Professor

Research interests

  • Demographic Forecasting
  • Bayesian Statistics
  • Human Mortality
Connect with Jason

Collaborating research institutes, centres and groups

Research outputs

Athina Vlachantoni, Maria Evandrou, Jane Falkingham & Min Qin, 2024, Ageing & Society, 44(6), 1247-1265
Type: article
Bernice Kuang & Ann Berrington, 2023, BMJ Sexual and Reproductive Health, 49(2), 143-144
Type: letterEditorial
Douglas R. Leasure, Ridhi Kashyap, Francesco Rampazzo, Claire A. Dooley, Benjamin Elbers, Maksym Bondarenko, Mark Verhagen, Arun Frey, Jiani Yan, Evelina T. Akimova, Masoomali Fatehkia, Robert Trigwell, Andrew J. Tatem, Ingmar Weber & Melinda C. Mills, 2023, Population and Development Review, 49(2), 231-254
Type: article