Nursing students gathered around a bed during a practical.

Undergraduate applicant subject visits

Once you’ve applied to us, you'll receive an invitation to come and visit the subject area you’ve applied to. This will give you a chance to see where you’ll be learning, and meet current students and staff to ask any questions that you have.

Information and a link for you to book onto a visit day can be found in your offer email.

If you have any questions about your subject visit please contact us and we’ll be very happy to help you.

What to expect at your subject visit

At your subject visit you'll be able to:

  • speak with one of your future lecturers
  • find out about subject-specific content from your chosen course
  • attend a taster lecture
  • take a tour of our campuses
  • chat to current students about their experiences

In some subject areas these visits may include an interview.

Assessment and selection days

In some subject areas, such as nursing and medicine, your subject visit will take the form of a selection or assessment event. Learn more about:

The email that you receive from us after you've applied will give you all the details of when these events take place, how to join and what to prepare in advance.

Travel bursaries

We understand that travel costs can be a barrier when you are invited to attend a University event. We are therefore offering travel bursaries of up to ?100 to help you to cover these costs.

If you are attending one of our upcoming applicant visit days in February, March and May, you might be eligible.

Apply for a travel bursary

Eligible students will be reimbursed after attending the event. More information and terms and conditions can be found on the application form.

Ask a student

If you've got a question now you don't have to wait until your subject event. Some of the students on our student panel might be doing your course and they’ll be happy to give you an honest answer to your questions.

Questions about extra support

If you're a disabled student, have a long-term health condition or specific learning difficulty, our Enabling Services Team will be in touch. They offer special transition days, but you are also welcome to contact them with your questions.