Doctor Asieh Salehi Fathabadi

Dr Asieh Salehi Fathabadi

 BSc, PhD
Senior Research Fellow

Research interests

  • Formal methods
  • Autonomous Systems
  • Public Engagement

More research

Accepting applications from PhD students.


Research groups

Research interests

  • Formal methods
  • Autonomous Systems
  • Public Engagement
  • My main research interest is model-based formal methods, in particular a formal method called Event-B, for software engineering. Formal methods are mathematically rigorous techniques for the specification, development and verification of software and hardware systems and hence can contribute to the reliability and robustness of a design.?My research work includes application, tools and methodology for formal methods.
  • I am also interested in Public Engagement (PE) activities to engage children with my ongoing research.?

Current research

Research Projects:

Research projects