Research project

Mid-Infrared GeRmAnium phoTonIcs fOr seNsing (MIGRATION)


Lead researcher

Professor Goran Mashanovich

Personal Chair

Research interests

  • Silicon Photonics
  • Photonics Integrated Circuits
  • Sensors
Connect with Goran
Other researchers

Professor Anna Peacock

Professor of Photonics

Research interests

  • Nonlinear Optics
  • Fibre optics
  • Silicon Photonics
Connect with Anna

Professor Frederic Gardes PhD

Connect with Frederic

Professor Harold Chong

Professor of Electronic Engineering
Connect with Harold

Research outputs

David Thomson, Aaron Zilkie, John Bowers, Tin Komljenovic, Graham Reed, Laurent Vivien, Delphine Marris-Morini, Eric Cassan, Leopold Virot, Jean-Marc Fédéli, Jean-Michel Hartmann, Jens Schmid, Dan-Xia Xu, Frederic Boeuf, Peter O'Brien, Goran Mashanovich & Milo? Nedeljkovi?, 2016, Journal of Optics, 18(7), 1-20
Type: article
Milo? Nedeljkovi?, Aitor V. Velasco, Ali Z. Khokhar, Andre Delage, Pavel Cheben & Goran Z. Mashanovich, 2016, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 28(4), 528-531
Type: article
G.Z. Mashanovich, G.T. Reed, M. Nedeljkovi?, J. Soler Penadés, C.J. Mitchell, A.Z. Khokhar, C.J. Littlejohns, S. Stankovi?, Xia Chen, L. Shen, N. Healy, A.C. Peacock, C. Alonso-Ramos, A. Ortega-Mo?ux, G. Wangüemert-Pérez, I. Molina-Fernández, P. Cheben, J.J. Ackert, A.P. Knights, F.Y. Gardes & D.J. Thomson, 2016, Proceedings of SPIE, 9755
Type: article
Benedetto Troia, Jordi Soler Penadés, Ali Z. Khokhar, Milo? Nedeljkovi?, Carlos Alonso-Ramos, Vittorio M. N. Passaro & Goran Z. Mashanovich, 2016, Optics Letters, 41(3), 610-613
Type: article
A.V. Velasco, P. Cheben, M.L. Calvo, A. Delage, J.H. Schmid, J. Lapointe, S. Janz, D-X. Xu, M. Vachon, M. Nedeljkovi?, A.Z. Khokhar, G.Z. Mashanovich, A. Herrero-Bermello & P. Corredera, 2016
Type: conference