Centre for Inclusive and Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Innovation (CISEI)

About us

Discover what we do and how we do it.

Founded in 2016, CISEI conducts interdisciplinary cutting-edge evidence-based research on inclusive and sustainable entrepreneurship and innovation. Acknowledged nationally and internationally, the Centre engages with a diverse set of stakeholders to challenge and empower individuals and organisations to tackle critical equality, diversity and sustainability challenges in the context of entrepreneurship and innovation. CISEI is at the heart of the University’s inclusivity and sustainability agenda, playing a pivotal role in advancing research strands on sustainability, diversity and inclusivity and making impact for organisations and society. 

CISEI’s Mission is to co-create value for all stakeholders in the sustainable and inclusive entrepreneurship and innovation ecosystem, with an objective to challenge and empower individuals, communities and organisations to respond to sustainability challenges in all three domains of sustainability, namely social, environmental and economic sustainability. 

CISEI’s Objectives are:  

  • to generate critical and cutting-edge research in the domains of inclusive and/or sustainable entrepreneurship and innovation in order to influence business and community practices, related policies, and curriculum development; 
  • to enhance impact and interdisciplinarity of research on inclusivity and sustainability in order to tackle inequalities in entrepreneurship and innovation and/or societal challenges, and develop critical management tools to address these challenges; 
  • To broaden the knowledge base in this field and contribute to the Civic Mission of the University, with an emphasis on connectedness, sustainability, inclusivity and diversity. 

CISEI’s vision is to equip individuals, organisations and communities with socially inclusive, humanitarian and sustainable ways of organising and co-creating value. 

CISEI’s research and impact activities are organised around our six Labs. 网络彩票APP下载_澳客彩票网-官方游戏, researchers work collaboratively with academic and non-academic beneficiaries to find solutions to grand socio-economic challenges, in line with the University’s Triple Helix strategy. The Lab approach facilitates collaboration by enabling parties to co-create value and to transform their individual and organisational experiences.  

Founding Director: Mine Karatas-Ozkan