Centre for Inclusive and Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Innovation (CISEI)

Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation Lab

Learn more about our Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation Lab.

Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation Lab examines entrepreneurial strategies and processes that drive social and environmental changes, especially in challenging and adverse institutional contexts. Entrepreneurial opportunities for social ventures arise from such challenging institutional voids like market failures. To actualise these opportunities, entrepreneurs and organisations need to bring in innovative strategies, hybrid logics, novel resources and social networks to generate a positive social impact.  

网络彩票APP下载_澳客彩票网-官方游戏, Lab advances our understanding of this process by examining social venture legitimation, digitalisation, sustainable development, the collective and collaborative dynamics and organising for grand challenges in social entrepreneurship. Through world-leading research, our Lab helps social ventures and other organisations to develop effective and innovative strategies to survive, sustain and flourish in challenging environments.